You love it or you hate it, that’s the way Lindsey powers through the streets of Flanders. As a child, she loved running and hated cycling. After a running related injury, it was her doctor’s choice to start riding. Luckily she captured that and met the WMNride team in Brussels in 2019.
Riding with the team pushed her motivation to over 200%, she says. “I really got inspired by the way in which the girls at WMNride motivated me to ride, helped me to believe in myself and supported me to get better. I want to do the same for others now.” Besides ride leading, Lindsey fits WMNride activities within a structured training programme towards her first races in 2021. She loves it and doesn’t stop smiling… until we hit cobbles!
As Lindsey joined the WMNride team in Brussels she developed herself as a supportive ride leader to share cycling joy.